Agricultural burning along a hillside in Eastern Washington

Agricultural Burning

Agricultural Burn Line: 509-783-6570

Managing Agricultural Burning in the Northwest

The way agricultural burning is being managed is changing in the Northwest, with Washington State leading the way. This change is part of a comprehensive revision of the state’s air pollution laws that affects not just agriculture, but many other commercial, individual and governmental activities. The Clean Air Washington Act of 1991 (Chapter 70A.15 RCW) states that those who contribute to air pollution will share the job of protecting air quality.
Agricultural burning is setting fire to:

Wind blowing dust across an arid landscape
  • Crop residue after harvest in order to reduce excess plant material and hinder pest infestations
  • Fruit tree debris from orchards after pruning or tree removal
  • Cereal grain (wheat, barley, corn and oats) stubble after harvest

FAQs about Agricultural Burning

How is agricultural burning different from other types of burning?

Agricultural burning is one of three kinds of outdoor burning. Outdoor burning also includes silvicultural (forest land) burning, and “open burning” — any other kind of burning outdoors in the open or in containers. As a farm management tool, an estimated 3, 000 to 5,000 agricultural fires are set each year in Washington, with up to 600,000 acres thought to be burned. Studies show that air quality levels can exceed federal health standards in areas affected by outdoor burning, especially from larger fires, or when dispersion of smoke by the wind is poor.

The Washington Clean Air Act (RCW 70A.15) protects air quality in the state. Specifically, the RCW requires agricultural permits for commercial agricultural operations that burn natural vegetation as a farm management tool. The law also requires that the grower show the burning is reasonably necessary to carry out the enterprise. Agricultural burning meeting the criteria of the best management practices (identified by the agricultural burning practices and research task force) and where no practical alternative exists automatically satisfies this requirement. For further information, also see WAC 173-430.
Other forms of outdoor burning, such as that which is done at residences within the urban areas are considered to be waste-disposal, not as a management tool. This is primarily why many forms of outdoor burning are being phased out over time.

When is the next agricultural burn day?

Agricultural burn days are not called in advance. The BCAA staff checks for forecast air circulation conditions, which if good, mean that any smoke generated from burning should be diluted enough not to impact the general population. Because wind speed considerations are not taken into account when determining an agricultural burn day, it is the responsibility of the agricultural operation to determine if it is safe to burn or not.

Also, certain types of agricultural burns require a permit while others do not. Be sure that you understand whether or not you need a permit. Burning without a permit may lead to enforcement actions. Please do not hesitate to contact the BCAA office for clarification and assistance.

The burn day message is updated at 9 a.m. daily; no burn day will ever start prior to 9 a.m.

Agricultural Best Management Practices (BMPs)

Agricultural burning is allowed when it is reasonably necessary to carry out the enterprise. A farmer can show burning is reasonably necessary when it meets the criteria of the BMPs and no practical alternative exists. BMPs are one of the ways to demonstrate the need to burn. Growers not using BMPs must establish that their proposed burn is reasonably necessary and that no practical alternative is available. The burden of proof is on the grower, and the demonstration must satisfy the Department of Ecology and the local delegated permitting authority, if there is a local permitting authority.

How does BCAA define other agricultural burning?

Other types of Agricultural burning include:

  • on an commercial orchard
  • on a vineyard
  • on a grass seed farm
  • “flaming” or burning hop roots
  • for non-agricultural purposes (land-clearing)

When do I need an agricultural permit?

All agricultural burning, except for incidental agricultural burning, requires a written agricultural burning permit from the Agency. Agricultural burning permits are subject to a fee as described in the Benton Clean Air Agency fee schedule and payable at the time of application. You need an agricultural burn permit when:

  • Orchard or vineyard takeout
  • Vineyard prunings
  • Disease or weed control
  • Residue removal
  • Research/demonstration project
  • Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) or renovation purposes
  • “Flaming” of hop roots

What is incidental agricultural burning?

Incidental agricultural burning consists of:

  • Orchard prunings
  • Natural vegetation along fence lines, irrigation canals, or drainage ditches
  • Tumbleweeds

And is allowed without obtaining an agricultural burning permit from the Agency and on days that are not agricultural burn days, except when restricted by the Agency under the following conditions:

  • The Benton County Fire Marshall declared a ban on burning due to fire safety
  • During any stage of impaired air quality conditions, or during a forecast, alert, warning, or emergency air pollution episode
  • The National Weather Service (NWS) in Pendleton, Oregon forecasts surface wind speeds 20 mph or greater. 

When is an agricultural permit “not required”?

 An agricultural burn permit is not required and burn hours are not restricted for:

  • Orchard prunings
  • Natural vegetation along fencelines, irrigation canals, or drainage ditches.
  • Tumbleweeds

Agricultural burning fees

  1. An application fee for an agricultural burning permit shall be due and payable at the time of submission of the application.
  2. Upon approval of any agricultural burning permit application, the BCAA shall charge a fee at a maximum fee level as set by statute.
  3. Minimum and variable fee levels are as follows:
    1. Eighty dollars ($80.00) for pile burning per calendar year per agricultural operation based on burning debris from up to 80 tons or equivalent; Each additional ton is $1.00 per ton.
    2. Thirty seven dollars and fifty cents ($37.50) per calendar year per field burn based on burning up to ten acres or equivalent; Each additional acre is $3.75 per acre.

The agricultural burning practices and research task force may set acreage equivalents, for non-field style agricultural burning practices, based on the amount of emissions relative to typical field burning emissions. Any acreage equivalents, established by rule, shall be used in determining fees. For agricultural burning conducted by irrigation or drainage districts, each mile of ditch (including banks) burned is calculated on an equivalent acreage basis.

What About…

My property is zoned agriculture. Do I follow the open burning rules or the agricultural burning rules?

State law views residential burning and agricultural burning as two separate issues, both with associated laws. In order to qualify an agricultural burn permit you must show evidence of agricultural activity taking place, usually in the form of supplying a copy of the IRS form Schedule F: Profit and Loss from Farming. Only those operations with proof of an agricultural operation will be issued an agricultural burn permit. The zoning regulations are local regulations and do not apply to burning applications. Areas which are zoned agriculture, but do not supply this proof, must comply with the general rule burn rules and the “burn days”.

Burning on an orchard

Burning on an orchard is considered agricultural burning and is subject to WAC 173-430. In order to burn you must have filed a Schedule F (Profit and Loss from Farming) form with the IRS. If you have not, you may not burn for agricultural purposes and may be cited for burning in your orchard.

The same laws that govern other types of agricultural burning also regulate burning on an orchard. There are, however, some differences relating to the reasons why a particular burn is being conducted. It is important that the orchardist is well informed prior to burning on orchard lands in order to lessen the chances for enforcement action.

There are three types of burning that can take place on an orchard, each with differing requirements.

  • Crop Rotation: Tree removal with intent to replace with different tree “crop”

Orchardists who plan to change crops by removing existing trees and replacing with another tree type or a different agricultural product, will need to apply for an Agricultural Burn Permit. Burning the “old” trees are subject to the conditions on the permit and burning is limited to agricultural “burn days”.

  • Crop Removal: Tree removal with intent to change land use, for example using the land for a housing development

In many cases, orchards are converted to some other land use, such as a housing development. Since the land will no longer be used for agricultural purposes the trees that are removed cannot be burned under an Agricultural Burning Permit. However, a Special Burn Permit can be used for this purpose. The Special Burn Permit carries a non-refundable $50 application fee plus an additional fee based upon the total volume of material to be burned (maximum $8.50 per cubic yard). A Special Burn Permit application can be downloaded (PDF).

  • Orchard prunings

A permit is not needed to burn tree prunings. Prunings can be burned at any time regardless of the agricultural “burn day”. However, care must be taken so that the smoke does not impact neighboring residents. By causing impact on residents, the fire may need to be extinguished and depending upon circumstances, possible BCAA enforcement action may apply.

Burning on a vineyard

After much deliberation with the WSU Cooperative Extension and with several vinyardists, it was established that vineyard prunings do not fall into the same category as orchard prunings. As such, any burning on a vineyard requires an Agricultural Burning Permit and needs to follow the general agricultural burn rules.

Burning on a grass seed farm

Most grass-seed field burning in Washington State has been ended by the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology). Ecology has officially certified alternatives to grass seed field burning that are practical and reasonably available. Ecology has also determined that mechanical residue management is a viable and reasonable available alternative in most cases. Only under limited specific situations may some burning of grass-seed fields take place. For more information contact the BCAA or go to the Department of Ecology Air Program.

Flaming of burning hop roots

The BCAA and the Department of Ecology considers “flaming” and the burning of hop roots to be agricultural burning. As such, this type of burning requires an Agricultural Burning permit and need to follow the general agricultural burn rules.

Non-agricultural purposes

An agricultural burn permit can only be used in circumstances that directly affect the propagation of field crops. An example would be the burning or wheat stubble, or the removal of an orchard to plant new fruit trees. However, if agricultural purposes will be ceased on a property and the land is to be cleared for another purpose, such as a housing development, an agricultural burning permit cannot be used for this purpose and a special burn permit is required. More information on Special Burn permits can be found on our Outdoor Burning page.