West Richland Neighborhood as seen from above

Portable Sources and Nonroad Engines

Portable air contaminant sources – Notice of Construction (NOC) and Notice of Intent (NOI)

Portable Source means a type of stationary source which emits air contaminants only while at a fixed location but which is capable of being transported to various locations. Operation at any location under this provision is limited to one year or less. Operations lasting more than one year must obtain a site specific order of approval.

Portable air contaminant sources may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • portable rock crushers
  • portable asphalt plants
  • portable concrete batch plants

In order to install and operate a portable source, each source must apply for a Notice of Construction (NOC) permit. This permit will allow the source to operate within Benton County for a year. The source may relocate during that year; each relocation requires the filing of a Notice of Intent to Operate (NOI) with the BCAA.

WAC 173-400-036 applies to most portable sources

Forms and applications for portable sources:

Nonroad Engines

Nonroad Engines are subject to regulation in WAC 173-400-035 .Though New Source Review is not required, there are fuel standards that all nonroad engines must meet. Based on the BHP of the engine, there may be recordkeeping requirements. Very large installations over 2000 BHP must provide information that demonstrates compliance with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards.