January 20, 2025
Residential: No Burn Day
Due to forcasted poor air dispersion, residential burning is not allowed today in Benton County.
Countywide, both inside and outside of the urban growth areas, there are no restrictions on burning in fireplaces, woodstoves, BBQs, campfires or burning for the disposal of tumbleweeds that have blown onto your property.
Residential Burn Line: 509-783-6198
Agricultural: No Burn Day
Due to forcasted poor air dispersion, agricultural burning is not allowed today in Benton County.
For burning limited to orchard pruning’s, tumbleweeds, or other vegetation along fence lines, irrigation canals or drainage ditches, no permit is required and burning hours are not restricted. You must inform the Benton Clean Air Agency and your local fire department if you intend to burn for agricultural purposes.
Agricultural Burn Line: 509-783-6570
Check the Map
Please enter your address to determine whether you are in an urban growth area of Benton County. This determines whether or not you may burn at your location on residential burn days.