Ag Burning FAQs
Learn more about how agricultural burning is managed in the Northwest
Follow Agricultural Best Management Practices
Agricultural burning is one of three kinds of outdoor burning. Outdoor burning also includes silvicultural (forest land) burning, and “open burning” — any other kind of burning outdoors in the open or in containers.
Agricultural burning is allowed when it is reasonably necessary to carry out the enterprise. A farmer can show burning is reasonably necessary when it meets the criteria of the BMPs and no practical alternative exists. BMPs are one of the ways to demonstrate the need to burn. Growers not using BMPs must establish that their proposed burn is reasonably necessary and that no practical alternative is available. The burden of proof is on the grower, and the demonstration must satisfy the Department of Ecology and the local delegated permitting authority, if there is a local permitting authority.
Use the form below to apply for an Agricultural Burn Permit.